US Server Rack Move!
infrastructure August 5, 2024
Our host just gave us the heads up that they will moveing our servers over to a different rack and will result in some down time on August 12, 2024 7:00 AM until August 12, 2024 3:00 PM (PST) you can watch there status page here ( for any updates sorry for this downtime
Our EU Servers will be up for all your rust needs until we are back up in the US
*Posted on Discord ( in the anouncements channel *
EU 3X Drive Fail Update
infrastructure December 28, 2023
EU Servers has been fixed again sorry for this issue u can use /kit and get a relief due to the drive fail if u have vip-mvp please make a ticket so we can reinstate your roles and send some extra RP
EU Drive Update
infrastructure December 25, 2023
Eu replacement has been but in and servers have been moved over to new box there seems to be a network issue with this box u may disconnect until we find the rootcause this will be a bit until fixed due to xmas and newyears will update here and on discord as we know more
infrastructure December 22, 2023
our EU server had a full drive fail we are waiting for a replacement we are trying our best to get it back up asap sorry for the downtime
US Server Hardware Upgrade / EU Drive Fail
infrastructure December 5, 2023
We have moved all US servers over to new hardware to help with the lag and is closely monitoring for anymore issues
have a drive error and working with the host to have this fixed for now servers are running we will post a ping in discord when if any Maintance is need.
backend maintenance
infrastructure October 7, 2023
After a few hours of working on this maintenance, the team identified an issue with the new hardware. While this hardware is being investigated, we have reverted the server change for the time being. All servers are back online at this time.
During this maintenance period, we have made small upgrades to the infrastructure, which will allow the next maintenance period to go much quicker when we make the final switch over to the new hardware. We understand this may be frustrating for players, but please know that we are always trying to make advancements in our server infrastructure.